Node.js Development Preparation

2 min readNov 10, 2020

Getting you started without other noise/complexities.

The process for setting up your local development environment (if it isn’t already) for node app development is going to be pretty much the same each time. This is intended as a quick focused cheat sheet to to get you started regardless of what project you want to tackle.

Notice that i said if it isn't already above. This is because once you set yourself up on a machine, for that same machine you will not need to run these steps again.

How do I know if i’m already setup?

I need to briefly cover a small detail before i can answer that. In my example i use nvm (which i recommend). It provides the ability to track the various different versions of node we might require easily. So, you can simply install node versions though nvm and then switch and it will handle switching and organizing it for you. Otherwise you will have to deal with that yourself.

So, the tutorial or project you tackle might require specific versions. Take note of it you will need it. Then simply skip ahead to section ‘Let’s confirm what we have’. If the versions you have match what you need you are already setup and done.

Otherwise, install the parts that are missing, or simply install all of it in order. Instructions below. Good luck.

Install nvm:

brew install nvm

Install node in nvm:

Select what ever version you want:

nvm install v12.18.4

Or simply install latest:

nvm install node

List the versions:

nvm ls

Select which one to use (if you have multiple):

nvm use v14.13.0

Let’s confirm what we have:

nvm -v
node -v
npm -v




A curious mind in the tech field. #Question-everything